POBSC Sister churches and faith leaders contribute positively to the common good of the community through various worthwhile efforts including addressing poverty and assisting the poor and disabled. Sister churches serve youth, families, men, women and seek to bring unity to the Body of Christ
We train and provide resources to pastors on how to address social justice issues locally and provide leadership throughout the local churches. This includes advocacy for full voter registration, standing against economic disparity, and celebrating the empowerment of communities.
Through the Congress of Christian Education and departmental ministries, the POBSC Sister Churches serve the needs of the family through Men (Laymen), Women, and Youth departments. Service departments include Ushers, Ministers, and Missions.
Each quarter, POBSC Sister churches gather for training of the Body of Christ. Planning meetings are conducted in March, September and December. July is a training meeting for department and executive leadership.
2nd Saturday
POBSC Sister churches fellowship together on 5th Sundays...to worship, celebrate, and fellowship as one Body
5th Sundays 4:00 PM.
Progressive National Baptist Convention (PNBC) is founded
The Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. (PNBC) started as a movement which reflected the religious, social and political climate of its time. Its mission was to transform the traditional African American Baptist Convention as well as society.
Progressive Oklahoma Baptist State Convention (POBSC) is founded
Any regular Baptist Church, Baptist Association, or other Baptist Body shall be eligible for membership in the Progressive Oklahoma Baptist State Convention, Inc.
Election of current leadership
During the May, 2022 Annual Session, the current administration was elected to lead the POBSC.
God uses pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 created new opportunities to advance God's kingdom virtually. We continue to see and experience the Mighty Hand of God in this world!
The Progressive Oklahoma Baptist State Convention - POBSC is a collection of sister churches, bound together for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and united in fellowship for the pursuit of Christian Education, Missions, and Social Justice..
Make a donation to support the work, missions, and ministries of the Progressive Oklahoma Baptist State Convention (POBSC). Your donation can help advance the Kingdom of Christ for children, youth and families.
PO Box: 3151
OKC, Ok 73102